News Archive

19.09.2011: 20 years BAUGRUND DRESDEN

On 15 September 2011 we celebrated our company's 20th anniversary with appropriate festivities and approx. 150 invited guests. The event took place in the exclusive area of the reconstructed Kurländer Palais in Dresden. It was opened with the seminar "Innovative Geotechnik" (Innovative Geotechnics), for which especially our young engineers where chosen as lecturers. The opening speech for our seminar was held by the Saxon State Minister for Finances, Mr. Prof. Dr. Georg Unland. The honorary chairman of the German Geotechnical Society (DGGT), Mr. Prof. Dr. Manfred Nußbaumer, also managed to greatly inspire the audience with his testimonial lecture "Beobachtungsmethoden einmal anders" (A somewhat different approach to observational methods). The event was framed by a feastful dinner and a performance by the salon orchestra Dresdner Salon-Damen. We would like to thank our guests for making this an memorable event and hope that we will have the opportunity to welcome you again in 2021.

Given lectures of employees of BAUGRUND DRESDEN are available in German as PDF files in the section publications

02.09.2011: Appointment to authorised representative

To reinforce our management, Mr. Dr.-Ing. Lutz Vogt has been granted the sole power of attorney (Einzelprokura) in July 2011 shortly after he joined the circle of shareholders. He will, of course, still act as head of the department transportation engineering.

25.05.2011: Once more successfully certified

We are pleased to inform you that BAUGRUND DRESDEN has successfully completed this year's re-audit within the framework of our Quality Management System according to German Standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. Of course we would also like to compliment BAUGRUND WIEN on the extension of its Quality Management Certificate. Special congratulations go to BAUGEO on its first passed certification. With this new development a Quality Management System is now successfully implemented and certified in all three companies of the BG Consulting Engineers group.

07.04.2011: Traditional team cross country running

Once again this year, BAUGRUND DRESDEN participated in the annual team cross country running in Prießnitzgrund with a woman's team and a men's team. The traditional running takes place since 1913 and annually leads participants every 6th April over a historical track with a length of 6.3 km. This makes it the oldest still existing track event in Germany.

05.12.2010: Prof. P.-A. von Wolffersdorff appointed to visiting professor

Our Managing Director Prof. Dr.-Ing. P.-A. von Wolffersdorff was already appointed to visiting professor in April 2010. The Dean of the Faculty for geosciences, geotechnics and mining of the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg now honored his great commitment with an academic event at 3 December 2010.

Press release of the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg

"PvW's Dasein in der heilen und teuflischen Geotechnikwelt", Speech by Prof. Dimitrios Kolymbas, University Innsbruck
 Download file

01.11.2010: "Engineers from Saxony" at the 31th Baugrundtagung in Munich

We will be present at the 31th Baugrundtagung with trade exhibition geotechnics again this year with a shared exhibition booth named "Engineers from Saxony". We look forward to seeing you at our booth no. 54!

The following Institutions and Companies can also be found at our shared exhibition booth:
BIUG Beratende Ingenieure für Umweltgeotechnik und Grundbau GmbH
Erdbaulabor Leipzig GmbH
FCB Fachbüro für Consulting und Bodenmechanik GmbH
G.U.B. Ingenieur AG
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Geotechnik
VFG - Verein Freiberger Geotechniker e.V.

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